Electromagnetism & DNA
This biomolecule has important electrical properties and various EMF generation possibilities.
It's evident that DNA as a fundamental part on living cells must interact with electromagnetic fields if those are expressions of life and mind, there are various clues that points towards this postulate as the chromosomal electrical properties or the characteristics of the proton clouds in repetitive sequences. ...
There are various points to explore, firstly it must be mentioned that still we have a limited ability to predict the transcription of genes based on their regulatory sequences and this is because we are missing a key piece on the regulatory mechanism: electromagnetic fields. Maybe is a good starting point read what Canev et al. [1] wrote about electrical properties of DNA:
" Our studies reveal previously unidentified electrical properties of chromosomes: (1) chromosomes are amazingly similar in construction and function to electrical transformers; (2) chromosomes possess in their construction and function, components similar to those of electric generators, conductors, condensers, switches, and other components of electrical circuits; (3) chromosomes demonstrate in nano-scale level electromagnetic interactions, resonance, fusion and other phenomena similar to those described by equations in classical physics. These electrical properties and phenomena provide a possible explanation for unclear and poorly understood mechanisms in clinical genetics including: (a) electrically based mechanisms responsible for breaks, translocations, fusions, and other chromosomal abnormalities associated with cancer, intellectual disability, infertility, pregnancy loss, Down syndrome, and other genetic disorders; (b) electrically based mechanisms involved in crossing over, non-disjunction and other events during meiosis and mitosis; (c) mechanisms demonstrating heterochromatin to be electrically active and genetically important."
In another general review about possible electromagnetic sources and targets from/to DNA [2] the authors point out that oscillations may occurs by alternation of charges between two nucleosomes and listed various possible source of energy for the electronic oscillations in DNA; chromatin-associated ATPases, transcription complexes, the centrosome as dynamo, etc.
" it has been hypothesized that sequence dependent resonances in DNA may be a part of natural gene regulation. If so, the genomic code could be functionally tied up with EMF fields and this could be utilized by nature for the purposes of gene regulation."
Members of the group that make the previous paper have continued their investigations on the topic an in a more recent work [3] they come to the conclusion that DNA has magnetic properties and that:
" We hypothesize that magnetism of DNA is based on ring currents of pi electrons in its bases. We hypothesize that ring currents are fueled by heat, enzymes or active forms of water. Accordingly, we proposed a helical model of magnetic lines in DNA. We also suggested a new way how the magnetic field in DNA may oscillate and that these oscillations will be sequence dependent. We suggest that collective oscillations of interspersed and periodic repetitive DNA sequences could contribute to electromagnetic communications between the cells and creation of Gurwitch morphogenic field."
Focusing on the EM generation mechanism they postulate later that to resonate two DNA sequences they do not necessarily have to be identical but to have similar resonating sub-structures that they call HIDERs and are based on delocalized electron clouds of purine-pyrimidine sequences [4] and:
" The consequent computational genomic analysis confirmed the enrichment of purine-pyrimidine HIDERs in a few selected genomes of mammals, an insect, and a plant, compared torandomized sequence controls. Similarly, it was suggested that hypothetical delocalized proton clouds of the hydrogen bonds of multiple stacked bases could serve as sequence-dependen thydrogen-bond-based HIDERs. Similarly, the enrichment of such HIDERs was observed. It is suggested that these enrichments are the first evidence in support of sequence-specific resonance signaling in the genome."
And they follow their research in [5]:
" Previously, the authors have proposed the existence of HIDERs, genomic elements that serve as antennas in resonance signaling and demonstrated that they occur non randomly and are conserved in evolution. Here, it is proposed that longitudinal hydrogen bonds exist in the double helix, that chains of these bonds form delocalized proton clouds, that the shapes of these clouds are sequence-specific and form the basis of sequence-specificity of resonance between HIDERs. Based on longitudinal hydrogen bonds, a proton DNA resonance code was devised and used to identify HIDERs which are enriched 20 fold in the genome and conserved in evolution. It was suggested that these HIDERs are the key elements responsible for DNA resonance signaling and the formation of the morphogenic field."
There is an interesting article by Jon Lieff [6] that revises the latest discoveries about DNA electrical properties that, for example, allows the rapid detection of errors (because when a nucleotide have an error no electric current occurs) or also allows the protein to produce electrons that travel along the DNA wire. He also explains that the complex enzymes that repair DNA use complex of iron and sulfur atoms that are involved in electron transfer processes, as many other major genetic enzyme complexes. He related all these and other discoveries with an electromagnetic mind theory and how this mind interacts constantly with biomolecules, including DNA.
In [7] based on previous experimental findings and the more recent investigations the authors describe the polymerase chain reaction amplification of DNA in terms of the gauge theory paradigm of quantum fields (using Quantum Fields Theory) showing that DNA can imprint an electromagnetic fingerprint on surrounding water that can be used for the reaction:
" The result of our analysis is that in PCR amplification processes, and more generally in DNA-enzyme interactions, the spatial and temporal distributions of charges [1,2,17], interaction couplings, frequencies, amplitudes, and phase modulations [1,2] form a pattern of fields, that is to say, an electromagnetic (em) image of the DNA, in such a way that what the enzyme "sees" at long range, at the level of molecular biology, is such an em image of DNA in the surrounding water. The DNA and the enzyme "see" each other’s em images by exchanging quanta of the radiative dipole waves induced by their presence in the water molecular matrix, which thus acts effectively as a bridge between the two (of course, until they are sufficiently close for water exclusion and direct binding to occur)."
An alternative model also has been done [8] to try to explain the experimental findings described in the previous paper, in this case using concepts of M-theory.
But, derived from quantum biology, that is, quantum processes taking part in biological system at ambient temperature (as is already known to be functioning in some pathways, as the phototransduction in vision or the radical pair mechanism as one of the possible generalized magnetic sense mechanisms) in [9] firstly is theoretically postulated that being the DNA formed by the joining of quantum particles like electrons and charged atoms and having the DNA different motions during transcription, translation, and replication, in which the charged particles move and accelerate, electromagnetic waves are emitted, and secondly using a pair of method they detect that DNA apparently respond to magnetic signals generating specific waves in return:
Magnetic waves pass through the interior/exterior DNA, and the graphene. The DNAs are excited and exchange waves. Some of these waves interact with the electrons in the graphene tube, which generates a current. The changes that occur in these waves when exiting the eggs permit the analysis of the properties of the chick embryo DNA … The signal type differed between males and females. This is because that topology of some chromosomes in cells of males is different from the chromosomes of females. The motions of charged particles and electrons depend on the topology of the chromosomes and type of coiling, winding, and packing of DNA in them.
There are also mentionable the studies by Zhao and Zhan [10][11] where it is suggested that the electric fields generated by synchronized oscillation of microtubules, centrosomes and chromatin fibers facilitate several events during mitosis and meiosis, including centrosome trafficking, chromosome congression in mitosis and synapses between homologous chromosomes in meiosis.
On the other side, Singh, Bandyopadhyay and others (the authors of the main theory presented in this web [12] where a fractal chain of electromagnetic resonance along all scales of living beings is shown) also propose that DNA can function as an antenna for electromagnetic waves, in this case of the gigahertz frequency band [13]:
" We report that 3D-A-DNA structure behaves as a fractal antenna, which can interact with the electromagnetic fields over a wide range of frequencies. Using the lattice details of human DNA, we have modeled radiation of DNA as a helical antenna. The DNA structure resonates with the electromagnetic waves at 34 GHz, with a positive gain of 1.7 dBi. We have also analyzed the role of three different lattice symmetries of DNA and the possibility of soliton-based energy transmission along the structure."
Finally to mention that there is a theory that relates DNA with biophotonic generation and modulation, as is mentioned in [14] there is a possibility that the emissions in the deep blue and ultraviolet (150-450nm) range are related to DNA / RNA processes while emissions in the red and near infrared (600-1000nm) range are related to mitochondria and oxidative metabolisms.
As can be seen, papers speak from different viewpoints and different concrete phenomena are taken into account, but all of them include this basic but until now neglected biophysical factor, the electromagnetic field, that the DNA can use to regulate, select, and interact with the environment. And surely a brilliant and educated mind could integrate various of them in a more general and paradigm-shift causative mode.
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↑ text updated: 27/06/2020
↓ tables updated: 18/09/2023
Endogenous Fields & Mind