A Dynamic Representation of mRNA Nucleotides Clarifies the Conundrum of Codon Redundancy

" The deciphering of the genetic code takes place through the reading of the nitrogenous bases, which are four in number. In most cases, the bases are taken three by three, thus generating 64 possible combinations with repetition. Each combination (codon) allows for the synthesis of a specific amino acid. Since the latter are only 21 in number, the codon-amino acid conversion table shows a strong redundancy. Countless efforts have been made to understand the true encryption mechanism. Here, we want to add our version, which consists of associating a periodic sound based on three notes to each codon. RNA now becomes a dynamic object and not just a list of static instructions. In addition to a different interpretation of the genetic code, there is also a considerable reduction in redundancy, given that the number of periodic sounds that can be produced with three notes drops to 20 (with the addition of four pure frequencies). Finally, we discuss the possibility of how these sounds can be generated and travel inside the double helix, and possibly emitted as biophotons." {Credits 1}

" It has been ascertained under various circumstances that the DNA double helix can be associated with some electric circuit. The results are both experimental and computational. They confirm, for instance, the conductivity of the periodic phosphate backbone [3,4], thanks to its one-dimensional periodic structure. Electronic properties of DNA and its nucleotides have been studied, for instance, in [5,6,7,8]. We observe that the presence of nitrogen can give compounds a tendency to flip from one configuration to another, activating spontaneous oscillations. Concatenations of logic gates using basic molecules as switches have been taken into consideration [9,10]. A model of DNA composed of multiple oscillatory RLC circuits is examined in [11]. These micro circuits are joined by the phosphate backbones that collect the data." {Credits 1}

" All these results reinforce the idea that DNA should be interpreted in a dynamic way. Therefore, together with the intrinsically static message written in the codons, we also must consider a high probability that this should be assigned a periodic sound, which brings us back to the content of this paper." {Credits 1}

" The analysis of vibration frequency maps carried out for nucleobases [14,15] shows strong DNA activity in producing or absorbing biophotons. Such an intense electromagnetic turmoil regulates the most fundamental biological processes. This aspect strengthens the hypothesis of signals originating from DNA, which remotely guide the main functions of a single cell, but which can extend further, transferring information between groups of cells [16,17,18]. These aspects have also been taken into consideration in [19] (Section 3.7) and [20] in a more general context, where the chemical elements themselves arise from an agglomeration of atomic nuclei and electromagnetic manifestations that connect them in a peculiar way characterizing the compound." {Credits 1}

{Credits 1} 🎪 Funaro, D. A Dynamic Representation of mRNA Nucleotides Clarifies the Conundrum of Codon Redundancy. Biophysica 2023, 3, 548-557. https://doi.org/10.3390/biophysica3030037. © 2023 The Author(s). This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Last modified on 18-Sep-23

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