" ...FT-IR spectrum of treated metronidazole showed the impact of biofield treatment on frequency of characteristic functional groups such as C=C (imidazole ring) stretching was appeared at lower frequency i.e. from 1600 cm -1 to 1553 cm -1 . Likewise, NO 2 asymmetric stretching and C-N symmetric stretching were appeared at higher wave number i.e. 1479 cm -1 to 1501 cm -1 and 1070 cm -1 to 1077 cm -1 , respectively. FT-IR spectrum of tinidazole showed shifting in absorption peak of C-N stretching to higher wavenumber from 1002 cm -1 (control) to 1022 cm -1 . The wavenumber of aromatic C=C bond (in imidazole) was shifted to lower frequency, which could be due to increases in conjugation effect. Further, increases in wavenumber of NO 2 and C-N in treated sample suggested the increased force constant and bond strength as compared to control. Because of higher conjugation effect and increased bond strength, the molecule supposed to be more stable. The UV spectra of both metronidazole and tinidazole showed the similar patterns of lambda max (λ max ) with respect to their control. The FT-IR results of both drugs suggest that there was an impact of biofield treatment on atomic level of metronidazole and tinidazole, as compared to control." {Credits 1} {Credits 1} 🎪 Trivedi, M. K., Patil, S., Shettigar, H., Bairwa, K., & Jana, S. (2015). Spectroscopic Characterization of Biofield Treated Metronidazole and Tinidazole. Med chem, 5, 340-344. © 2015 Trivedi MK, et al. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license. |
Last modified on 15-Mar-16 |