Resonant Interaction of the Psyche, Circadian Rhythms and External Electromagnetic Fields

" The phase coincidence of the profiles of the Schuman Resonance [SR], Fertility [F] , Mortality [M], and Integral Population Biorhythm [IPB] charts in terms of time and vector parameters demonstrates the interaction of systems (direct or indirect)." {Credits 1}

" Electromagnetic forms of energy have all the necessary qualities for the transmission of bioinformation and the performance of informational and regulatory functions: penetrating power, high speed, and the ability to influence remotely [11,12]. Empirically, the parametric interaction of the body and geomagnetic disturbances is evidenced by a significant increase in myocardial infarctions (13%), strokes (7%) [13], as well as the correlation of CNS activity indicators with changes in solar and geomagnetic activity [14]." {Credits 1}

" SR is a non-equilibrium thermodynamic system with frequency fluctuations, short stable states and bifurcation points. At the initial stages of biological evolution, SR was the only (known to us) constant electromagnetic field possible for parametric synchronisation. When a weak periodic signal is applied to a nonlinear system, a stochastic resonance occurs. Resonance between stochastic noise and a weak deterministic periodic signal leads to an increase in the output signal. We believe that SR, starting from the primary organised cell, as a stochastic noise, evolutionarily influenced the electroactivity of biological species." {Credits 1}

" The brain is a functional electromagnetic dipole in which all qualitative characteristics of cognitive processes (memory, consciousness, etc.) are considered as quantitative configurations of temporal patterns of electromagnetic quantities [15], i.e., as functional dipoles. We emphasise that dipole-dipole (inductive resonant) energy transfer has been studied in detail for energy exchange between chromophores (Förster resonance energy transfer)." {Credits 1}

" Cross-frequency connection of gamma and theta rhythms determines long-range neural communication, perception, memory [22-24]. These data demonstrate brain excitation following cardiac arrest with a high level of internal information processing in near-death states." {Credits 1}

" Of particular importance is the high-frequency activity of the gamma rhythm (human and animal) with frequencies of 30-200 (or more) Hz at an amplitude of 5-10 μV [25]. The main role in the electrogenesis of the gamma rhythm with a frequency of 30-80 Hz is played by postsynaptic potentials, higher-frequency oscillations are the result of the total synchronised pulse activity of neurons. The amplitude and frequency depend on the type of cognitive task being performed [26]. Gamma rhythm is an indicator of the transition from sensory information processing to information synthesis, with phase coupling of the gamma rhythm at frequencies of 46-90 Hz and the alpha rhythm at frequencies of 8-10 Hz [27]." {Credits 1}

" Circadian rhythms, which form homeostasis and all oscillatory processes of the body, have a frequency, amplitude (oscillatory) and temporal variation. It is these fluctuations in values (“circadian tremor”) that allow the body system as a whole to be adjusted to changes in external rhythmic structures." {Credits 1}

" All circadian rhythms and homeostatic processes fall into the attractor pool (M) at the bifurcation point, which we believe is cardiac arrest. The attraction of the attractor pool is activated when the action of the heart, the most powerful electromagnetic generator (dipole) of the body that normally has a frequency of 60-80 Hz (gamma-rhythm frequency range), ceases." {Credits 1}

" It is possible to assume that, as a result of parametric resonance formed in the terminal phase by the dominant gamma rhythm, the Integrated Information Package [IIP] can be translated (analogous to the inductive-resonant energy transfer of interacting systems) into Schumann Resonator (SR modes above 3rd) with the potential for interaction (preservation/degradation)." {Credits 1}

" Understanding the limits of permissible analogies, assuming them as a reason and line of research, we consider the transfer mechanism of IIP to SR conditionally possible, similar to Bluetooth algorithms." {Credits 1}

" We believe that the interaction of SR and brain activity through parametric resonance is evolutionarily determined for vertebrates (possibly for all forms of biological life) and independent of the initiation mechanism (hypercapnia, neural interactions, dissociative drugs, etc.)." {Credits 1}

{Credits 1} 🎪 Kruglov , A. G., Kruglov , A. A., & Utkin , V. N. (2023). Resonant Interaction of the Psyche, Circadian Rhythms and External Electromagnetic Fields. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 42(17), 23–30. © 2023 the Author(s). This open access article is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Last modified on 20-Jul-23

/ EMMIND - Electromagnetic Mind