Morphology and high frequency bio-electric fields

" We investigate possible shapes of the electric field, which oscillating dipoles in a certain region of biological tissue can produce in a neighboring region, or outside the tissue boundaries. We find that a wide range of shapes, including the typical morphology of limbs and appendages, can be generated as a zone of extremely low field amplitudes embedded in a zone of much larger field amplitudes. Neutral molecules with a resonance close to the frequency of the oscillating field may be attracted to this zone or be repelled from it, while the driving effect on molecules with an electric charge is only extremely weak. The forces would be sufficient for the controlled deposition of molecules during growth or regeneration. They could also serve as a method of information transfer."

" We have seen in the derivations of section 2 (and of the appendix) that collective oscillations of biomolecules with an electric dipole moment may act as synchronized sources of electromagnetic radiation, which are capable of creating a destructive interference pattern as a structured region in space, in which the electric field vanishes. Around this region the waves are propagating outwards, but the region itself, with its points and lines of zero field, remains fixed in space. Therefore, the spatial gradient of the electric field amplitude could exercise a force on other biomolecules and steer them to the points of no field. In the example of the salamander, which has to regenerate a hand, it has been shown that the small amount of power the salamander might be capable of putting into radio emission could result in sufficient gradient force to transport neutral molecules with an electric dipole moment to the healing area. On the other hand, the ponderomotive force, which could cause drift of electrically charged molecules in the gradient of an oscillating electric field, turned out to be far too small for such an effect. Nevertheless, the results show the principle possibility of a steering mechanism for biological matter based on electromagnetic radiation, which works in a completely different manner compared to the familiar mechanisms of electrophoretic drift and chemical or thermal gradients. One of its distinguishing features is that finely detailed patterns in space can come about far from the sources of the electromagnetic waves. Whether biological systems do make use of such a mechanism for regeneration, wound healing, embryogenesis or just normal growth is not known. It seems that the question of orchestrated electromagnetic emission from living matter in the sub-millimeter to centimeter wavelength regime is only beginning to be explored [47], [48]."

Last modified on 09-Oct-21

/ EMMIND - Electromagnetic Mind