The Communication Infrastructures of Living Systems and the Universe Analysis from the Perspective of Antenna Theory

Based on antenna theory they found all the requirements for wireless communication in scales astronomically different as between biological proteins, as in solar system or galaxies.

They speculate on gravitational antennas, although there are also known electrical and magnetic phenomena that are intrinsic or surround o emanate from those structures, is like gravitation must be linked to electromagnetic phenomena, maybe the physics proposed in [Aether, Fields & Energy Dynamics in Living Bodies - Part II] can be applied. I'm sure that contrary to the some fast affirmations (they are made in a couple of paragraphs of the present document in a somewhat surprising way for me) that the electromagnetism is the basic force (due to the aforementioned properties) and the "gravitational" antennas have their first manipulations in the electromagnetic framework.

Last modified on 18-Jan-22

/ EMMIND - Electromagnetic Mind