Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Protective Patches on Acupoints to Preserve the Bioenergetic Status against Magnetic Fields

" In this study, 10 male Italian volunteers aged between 50 and 60 were enrolled in the hospital. All participants were subjected to measurements at 4 specific time points to evaluate the effectiveness of Skudo® to counteract both EMF and SMF magnetic fields by evaluating the level of bioenergetic reactivity." {Credits 1}

" Analyzing the bioenergetic status of each measurements of participants, an evident unbalance was observed on meridians that regulate water. As reported in Figure 6, two water meridians related to kidney and bladder during the irradiation (phase 2) were unbalanced compared to the basal level (phase 1); the layouts of the left in red and of the right in blue were crossed. This phenomenon could be interpreted as an unbalance of the energy linked to water determined by the electromagnetic field of the Wi-Fi radiation source." {Credits 1}

{Credits 1} 🎪 Molinari, C., Stoppa, I., Limardo, N., & Uberti, F. (2018). Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Protective Patches on Acupoints to Preserve the Bioenergetic Status against Magnetic Fields. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2018. © 2018 Claudio Molinari et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.

Last modified on 02-Sep-18

/ EMMIND - Electromagnetic Mind