" We performed 2D maps of the SMF at several distances from the screen of 5 MP (models between 2013 and 2018) using a tri-axis magnetometer. We built a mathematical model to fit our measurements, extrapolated them down to the phones’ screen, and calculated the SMF on the skin of a 3D head model, showing that exposure is in the µT to mT range. Our literature survey prompts the need of further research not only on the biological effects of SMF and their gradients, but also on their combination with extremely low frequency (ELF) and RF fields." {Credits 1} " Beyond the fact that effects of SMF on head tissues are worth investigating per se, there seems to be an even less studied, intricate relation between RF EMF effects and SMF. For instance, it has been reported that resonance effects of RF on E. coli cells depend on the magnitude of the SMF at the location of RF exposure [41]. This dependence was explained by a model of electron-conformational interactions that also predicts the possible shift of RF resonance frequencies caused by the SMF [42]. Gapeev et al. analyzed effects of RF exposure (41.85–42.1 GHz, frequency increment 50 MHz, power density (PD) 50 μW/cm2, for 20 min) performed at various SMF on the synergistic reaction of calcium ionophore A23187 and phorbol ester PMA in the activation of the respiratory burst of peritoneal neutrophils of mice [43]. At a SMF of 50 μT, the authors observed frequency-dependent inhibition of the synergetic reaction with maximal effect at the frequency of 41.95 GHz. In the same frequency range, frequency-dependent activation of the synergetic reaction with a maximal effect at the frequency of 42.0 GHz was found at a SMF of 95 μT. The authors concluded that increasing the SMF from 50 to 95 μT resulted in the inversion of RF effects and the shift of the resonance frequency by 50 MHz. Moreover, these effects of RF at the 41.95 GHz and 42.0 GHz were not found at the SMF of ± 1, 28.3, 75.5 or 117.3 μT, suggesting that the RF effects appear only at specific SMF [43,44]." {Credits 1} {Credits 1} 🎪 Zastko, L., Makinistian, L., Tvarožná, A. et al. Mapping of static magnetic fields near the surface of mobile phones. Sci Rep 11, 19002 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-98083-9. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. |
Last modified on 01-Oct-21 |