Correlations between basal metabolic rate in humans with different age, gender, BMI and local earth magnetic field activity

" Time varying local Earth magnetic field data were recorded at the GCI magnetometer site located in Lithuania ... Power of spectral density was calculated in 0.32 to 36 Hz frequency range from the Lithuanian (GCI003) magnetometer for East – West direction (E-W) [17]. This frequency band embraces the same frequency bands that are typically used for human brain waves." {Credits 1}

" The results were interesting in the fact, that with few exceptions, correlations between LGMF [local geomagnetic field] and basal metabolic features parameters were negative, many of them significant. This means, that when LGMF activity increases, basal metabolic features parameters decrease. This suggests that when the LGMF activity, which the time varying aspects of the field, including the resonant frequencies is increased that some metabolic chains are working more effectively or coherently, and utilize energy to maintain life and healthy function. This is also supported by the fact that people with a smaller BMI [body mass index] have higher negative correlations with LGMF activity which suggest – they are more sensitive to LGMF fluctuations (Table 3 and 4). It is natural that with age and obesity such sensitivity decreases. It is also interesting that found different sensitivities in different genders, that LGMF activity impacts and activates women and mens metabolic chains differently." {Credits 1}

{Credits 1} 🎪 Taletaviciene Giedre, McCraty Rollin, Qammar Naseha Wafa, Ragulskis Minvydas, Vainoras Alfonsas Correlations between basal metabolic rate in humans with different age, gender, BMI and local earth magnetic field activity. Journal of Complexity in Health Sciences, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2021, p. 55-62. © 2021 Giedre Taletaviciene, et al. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

Last modified on 09-Feb-22

/ EMMIND - Electromagnetic Mind