AFM Imaging of Protein Aggregation in Studying the Impact of Knotted Electromagnetic Field on A Peroxidase

" ... we have observed changes in the aggregation state of HRP after the irradiation of its solution, while no change in its enzymatic activity has been registered. This indicates that the exposure to KEMF influences only the spatial structures of the protein, but does not affect its active site.

In our present work, the effect of KEMF, with a radiation power at the level slightly higher than that of the background, on the properties of HRP enzyme has been studied. This radiation has a different spatial topography than the commonly used transversely polarized one." {Credits 1}

{Credits 1} 🎪 Ivanov, Y.D., Pleshakova, T.O., Shumov, I.D. et al. AFM Imaging of Protein Aggregation in Studying the Impact of Knotted Electromagnetic Field on A Peroxidase. Sci Rep 10, 9022 (2020). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

Last modified on 03-Jun-20

/ EMMIND - Electromagnetic Mind